He loves you a lot, my mom says to me
Handmade paper laminating photos
12 x 9  inches, 2024

“He loves you a lot,” my mom whispers to me when my husband steps out of the room. “I know,” I reply with a smirk. Our acknowledgements of love in my family are small and if you don't pay attention, they can disappear just as quickly as they appeared. In a way it is to protect the sacredness of love between each other, and specifically between spouses. “They (women) are garments for you (men) and you are garments for them (Qur’an 2:187),” is routinely recited at wedding ceremonies I’ve attended marking the start of the closest relationship two people will have in their lives. A marriage bound in sacred law, where two people cover the imperfections of one another, give and receive comfort, protect, and beautify each other.  

This note is a scrap piece of notebook paper I usually jot notes down in, and occasionally little notes to my husband and him to me on busy days. These small words I can’t bear to throw out, so I’ve accumulated a stockpile under our bed. Sometimes these notes use words we’ve never spoken out loud to each other, a note so intimate that sharing it unfiltered would lose its sacredness.  

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